Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 121

Popular Culture Review 30.1
Figures 9 – 11 . Cover Images of the American , Norwegian and Swedish Versions of Cherry Ames , Flight Nurse . Images published by Grosset & Dunlap ( Ralph Crosby Smith ), Forlagshuset ( Sten Nilsen ), and Bonniers ( Martin Guhl ).
ters “ US ” on her chest . Cherry is wearing two U . S . broches on the Swedish cover and it is on this cover that the letters are easiest to decipher . On the American version , one U . S . broche is visible , but it is less prolific . On the Norwegian version , it is hard to make out the contours of the letters . It is noteworthy that this symbol of patriotism is actually more conspicuous on the Swedish cover than on the cover of the versions published in the United States and Norway�countries that participated in the war as allies . Cherry ’ s posture and gaze are two other features in the illustration signalling patriotism . On the Swedish and American covers , Cherry is looking up to the side with a determined gaze . This could be seen as a symbol of determination and hope , where Cherry knows what she has to do in order to keep her country safe . In the American version , Cherry is looking somewhat to the right , which once again may mean that she is looking toward the future . Although Cherry is looking to the left on the Swedish cover , her determined gaze and posture have been retained . In fact , this posture and gaze remind us of political campaigns portraying candidates looking up to the side , as