Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 114

War , Patriotism , and Nationality in the Nor wegian and Swedish Translations of Cherry Ames
American ones ( cf . Kress and van Leeuwen 159 ; Björkvall 114 ). The Norwegian cover images could be described more as pop art à la Lichtenstein , whereas the American and Swedish ones are closer to real photography . It is interesting to note that the artist ’ s name , Sten Nilsen , is actually mentioned on the cover that is the most pop artsy of them all , namely Cherry på vingene ( see fig . 10 ). Nilsen created most of the Norwegian cover images for the Cherry books , and during the mid-twentieth century , he also produced a dozen other book cover illustrations .
Cherry is always the focal point of the cover illustrations . Her dark hair and brown eyes are mentioned early on in all of the novels and they are distinctly highlighted on all of the book covers . This is especially obvious in the illustrations that portray her using a medium close shot , i . e . at a distance where the onlooker can see Cherry from the waist and up ( cf . Kress and van Leeuwen 124 ). Her different nurses ’ outfits are always highlighted and she is depicted in some kind of uniform on every cover . Most of the time , she is portrayed in her blue dress and white apron , but in some of the material used in this study , she also wears a military uniform , which adds extra symbolic value . The novels often mention how the uniforms lead to respect and admiration for Cherry and her fellow nurses , and this symbolism is carefully retained in the Scandinavian target texts .
In Army Nurse , Cherry has completed her education at Spencer hospital and has returned to her hometown of Hilton , Illinois . She receives a letter from the Army and joins its Nurse Corps . After a short stay at Spencer hospital for some training , she and her classmates are sent to Panama to work at an army base hospital . On the cover of the first American edition of Army Nurse , Cherry is portrayed standing on a boat ,