Popular Culture Review Volume 30, Number 1, Winter 2019 | Page 112

War , Patriotism , and Nationality in the Nor wegian and Swedish Translations of Cherry Ames
function of being representative of the citizens of the United States [ ... ].” The American participation in the war is never questioned . Instead , it seems that Cherry ’ s decision to go to war is the only way to “ preserve the simple , tranquil way of life in her all-American hometown ” ( Finlay 1194 ). The topics of war and patriotism have also been touched upon by Simon , who argues that Cherry ’ s hopes , dreams , and personality always overshadow themes relating to war and her activities in the army ( 147 ).
As mentioned earlier , this article focuses on how the representations of war , patriotism , and nationality are translated into Norwegian and Swedish . It also focuses on how the same themes are depicted on the respective book covers . Bearing in mind that Norway participated in the war , and Sweden did not , it is interesting to investigate whether war and patriotism are rendered differently in the Norwegian and the Swedish target texts . It is also interesting to study whether the American patriotism is preserved or in some way “ domesticated ” ( see Venuti 19 – 20 ) to make the novels more Scandinavian . For the analysis of the covers , theories from Kress and van Leeuwen ’ s 2006 Reading Images : The Grammar of Visual Design are used . The material for the study consists of the wartime novels , namely Army Nurse ( 1944 ), Chief Nurse ( 1944 ), and Flight Nurse ( 1945 ), and their Norwegian translations Cherrys hemmelige reise from 1951 , Cherry Ames blir oversøster from 1952 , and Cherry på vingene from 1952 . The Swedish counterparts are Cherry Ames i fält from 1956 , Cherry Ames�översköterska from 1956 , and Cherry Ames vid flyget from 1957 . The main emphasis on the textual level is on Flight Nurse , since this novel takes place in Europe and , in a geographical context , is closer to Scandinavia than Army Nurse and Chief Nurse .
Firstly , it is appropriate to direct attention toward the translation of the titles . As previously mentioned , Scandinavian