Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 9


Felicia Campbell ’ s Innovative Contributions to Popular Culture Studies Award


Each year , at its annual conference in Las Vegas , the Far West Popular Culture Association will present the PCR ’ s “ Innovative Contributions to Popular Culture Studies Award .” The award recognizes original , innovative , and multidisciplinary studies in popular culture that contribute to the general body of scholarship in new ways , expanding the boundaries into new disciplines and public spaces . We regularly receive and publish scholarship from a wide variety of fields , including , but not limited to , law , eco-criticism , literature , film & television studies , video games , music , gambling , sociology , civil engineering and architecture , the sciences , gender studies , and beyond . The award committee welcomes submissions from scholars and researchers at all levels , without restriction , in any area of study that contributes to studies of popular culture in any combination of fields and approaches .
