Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 53

Popular Culture Review 29.2
tions are marked by multiple entry points�through a sewer , an unlocked maintenance door , or the like�that beg for a full exploration of each level rather than a quick and simple completion . A number of games make combat the difficult component of gameplay . By contrast , the Dishonored series makes combat relatively simple and alternative methods of mission completion more challenging .
The game ’ s narrative also provides divergent environmental experiences for Low and High Chaos playthroughs . For example , Dunwall , beset by a plague spread by rats , experiences even greater numbers of infected citizens should the player opt for a High Chaos game ; more corpses lead to more rats and therefore more suffering on the streets of the city . In addition , some characters , such as Emily Kaldwin , the young daughter of murdered Empress Jessamine Kaldwin , begin to emulate Corvo ’ s choices in their own attitudes . A more merciful Corvo provides hope and a sense of morality to those around him . A Corvo focused only on bloodletting deepens the cynicism , rage , and hatred of others . Ultimately , a Low Chaos walk-through leads to an ending that finds Emily Kaldwin installed as empress and ruling justly owing to the example set by Corvo , arguably the best of all possible outcomes for Dunwall ’ s citizens . Order is restored to Dunwall , and the plague ceases to hold sway . Similarly in Dishonored 2 , a High Chaos walk-through leads to more bloodfly 6 nests in subsequent missions . This game also has a number of possible endings , but all hinge on how Emily Kaldwin , eventually restored to her throne�with Delilah Copperspoon either killed or imprisoned�is perceived thereafter by her people . A High Chaos playthrough finds her deemed Emily the Vengeful , ruling over a Dunwall marked by even further plague and poverty . A Low Chaos walk-through leads to her
6 A dangerous and parasitic insect .