Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 49

Popular Culture Review 29.2
ronment , Greg Pritchard focuses on the essential connection between the fictive space and narrative . In the Dishonored series , the settings�the cities of Dunwall and Karnaca�are as vital as any individual plot point .
Instead of eschewing complex matters , such as the exploitation of the poor and the intersection of social inequity with environmental destruction , the game series treats these issues as inherent and important for both the player and the various characters inhabiting the fictional locations to consider . Greg Pritchard argues of the importance of ecocriticism ,
The new construction of nature , as something the Western world cares about , obscures the fact that largely it doesn ’ t . Even people who are well educated in environmental problems do not always change their habits in necessary ways . Given that there are pressing environmental problems , and that they may be partly a result of the way in which Western culture conceptualises the natural world , what role can ecocriticism play in addressing these issues ? Western societies , if not all societies , need an ecocritical theory and praxis for the same reason they need feminist theory , Marxist theory , and post-colonial theory . These are proselytising critical theories . And they are all interconnected . They all derive authenticity from the assumption that human rationality can improve the conditions of the disempowered , whether they are women , the poor , the colonised or the environment . ( 33 )