Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 209

Popular Culture Review 29.2
the past century . Stories are now being spread far outside of the family to the public arena . Many of these public performances are now planned storytelling events�spontaneous storytelling is slowly fading . Today , storytelling is a meet-andtell affair in which people know the kind of story that will be told . Storytelling is a profession that has become more like a hobby , taken up by people of many different backgrounds and professions .
The emphasis on oral adaptation from written texts represents a profound shift in how these tales are being communicated . The change from written to oral presentation causes modifications�some aspects are lost , while others are gained . Today , a storyteller will adapt a written story from the 19 th Century to suit and become relevant to an audience in the 21 st Century . One such storyteller is Michel Dellebecque , who uses the tale of La Fille au Foutre to create humorous content for his work . This fabliau is from an oral tradition written in the 13 th Century by anonymous authors . Some stories have such wide-ranging appeal that each of their adaptations represent quite distinct changes . Till I ’ Espeigle is one such example , with multiple written and oral adaptions concerning his story , some of which scarcely resemble each other .
Till I ’ Espiegle is a mischievous fictional character and joker from the popular literature of the South of Germany . Till I ’ Espiegle is also a French name borrowed in the 19 th century . The name means Till Mischievous . This story was first published in the 1510s under the title “ Dyl Ulenspiegel ” in Brunswick . In this version , the Till I ’ Espiegle character was born in 1300 in Kneitlingen and died in 1350 in Molln . However , this character has inspired many authors , among them