Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 188

An Analysis of the Cultural Dismissal of Wonder Woman
written by a woman but with several striking similarities to Time ’ s article on the film , cited Lois as evidence of the film ’ s “ cheerful attempt to update ” the Superman mythos :
Lois Lane , played with great zest by Margot Kidder , is not the prim spinster of the ’ 30s , but a spirited , stubbornly independent woman who owns her own seduction pad ( with a terrace , yet ). But as liberated as she obviously is , she is transformed into a gushing , blushing schoolgirl at the sight of Superman . Not that this is surprising because Superman himself has been transformed into a sex object with slightly rumpled hair who can even melt the heart of Luthor ’ s buxom moll ( Valerie Perrine ) who tells him regretfully , “ Why is it I can ’ t get it on with good guys ?” And Christopher Reeve plays Superman with such sexy self-assurance ( he plays Kent just as well , showing his complete lack of self-assurance ) and such good-natured humor that no red-blooded American woman could resist him . ( Carroll )
Despite the centrality of these elements whose mere hint was considered so reprehensible in Wonder Woman , the Washington Post dubbed the film “ terrific juvenile entertainment ”; the Globe and Mail wrote that “ Superman makes you feel like a child again ;” the New York Daily News called it “ pure escape and good , clean , unadulterated fun ;” and even the less euphoric Time wrote that , “ Not since Star Wars , the alltime champ , has there been such an entertaining movie for children of all ages ” ( Arnold ; Carroll ; “ Here Comes Superman !!!”; Scott “ Superman ”).