Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 161

Popular Culture Review 29.2
with their distinct lack of Disney characters and therefore the tokenization of ethnic and racial identities deviate from this trend at DCA . On the other hand , ¡ Viva Navidad ! and Lunar New Year tend to embrace , to a limited degree , the Disneyfication and Disneyization of ethnic and panethnic identities .
However , the successes of seasonal inclusivity at DCA with these celebrations suggest that cultural diversity , as managed by DRGs and through Disney lenses , is good for attendance and profitability , and therefore to business . As long as visitors are going to such events and spending their money , it is likely that DCA will continue with events that foster seasonal inclusivity .
Asian Americans Advancing Justice . A Community of Contrasts : Asian Americans , Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in Los Angeles County . Los Angeles : 2013 , https :// advancingjustice-la . org / system / files / CommunityofContrasts _ LACounty2013 . pdf . Accessed 6 July 2016 .
Asian Media Group . “ Is Orange County the Asian American Dream Come True ?” GoldSea . com , 2013 , http :// goldsea . com / Air / Issues / Orange / orange . html . Accessed 18 July 2016 .
A Slice of Disney . “ Festival of Holidays Bollywood Party DCA Blue13 Dance Company Disneyland Resort .” YouTube , 22 Nov 2016 , https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = ilVWRxH3-3g . Accessed 28 April 2017 . Film .
Brown , Anna , and Mark Hugo Lopez . “ Ranking Latino Populations in the Nation ’ s Counties .” Pew Research Center ’ s Hispanic Trends Project , 29 Aug . 2013 , http ://