Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 13

Popular Culture Review 29.2
dy Bear born of a hunter ’ s mercy to the New Deal , perhaps the Roosevelts , for all that they were men of their times , can show us something about the responsible use of immense authority . Sometimes the trigger simply can ’ t be pulled .
That same authority might easily lead to the most hedonistic excess ; Las Vegas certainly wouldn ’ t be Vegas without dabbling in the same promise and illusion of power . Patricia and William Kirtley present the birth and development of one such bastion of pleasure and decadence in their exploration of an iconic Vegas location in the essay “ When in Rome� Caesar ’ s Palace : The First Themed Casino in Vegas .” Caesar might subjugate nations and impose his own way of life , but he never had the technology we enjoy , sufficient to unhinge the very seasons of the year .
Some seasons are more metaphorical in nature , and in “ Seasonal Ethnic Celebrations at Disney California Adventure from 2012 to 2017 ,” Maureen Salsitz shows the changing nature of the entertainment industry . As the face of America transforms , so , too , do market driven forces work to ensure representation and continued interest . However , is Disney interested in true multiculturalism , or in flattening complex and dynamic cultures into simply another way to turn profit ?
Mainstream culture has definitely evolved over the years , and Ian Boucher gives us a look at the resurgence of myths and comic book legends by taking a glance into an important and perhaps misunderstood television series from the late 1970s in “ Casting a Wider Lasso : An Analysis of the Cultural Dismissal of Wonder Woman Through Her 1975-1979 Television Series .” Wonder Woman isn ’ t the only figure worth re-examining : Luc Guglielmi traces cultural legends that have been

transformed back into oral versions in Belgium . The means and methods of story-telling constantly adapt to ever-chang-
