Popular Culture Review Volume 29, Number 2, Summer 2018 | Page 110

Black Belt and Blue Water
efited from�their enhanced skills and accomplishments , from their physical and mental powers , and from what must be recognized as their extraordinary temperaments .
1 Quoted in Max J . Skidmore ( 2004 ). Presidential Performance : A Comprehensive Review . Lanham , Maryland : MacFarland . 195 . Print ; for Cooper ’ s original comment , see John Milton Cooper , The Warrior and the Priest , Cambridge : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1983 87-88 . Print
2 Quoted ibid . 183 ; original quotation from William H . Harbaugh , The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt , rev ed ., New York : Oxford University Press , 1975 434 . Print .
3 For those interested in Sam Hill , his Maryhill Community , his Maryhill Museum , or his views on Theodore Roosevelt , see Max J . Skidmore , Moose Crossing : Portland to Portland on the Theodore Roosevelt International Highway ( 2007 ). Lanham , Maryland : Hamilton Books 2007 . Print .
4 For a penetrating account of FDR ’ s background in agriculture , his powerful influence on conservation , and his too-often ignored role as an environmentalist , see Douglas Brinkley ’ s Rightful Heritage : Franklin D . Roosevelt and the Land of America , New York : Harper Collins , 2016 . Print .
5 Smith , p . 622 ; note : it might have been better to have said it had been twenty-nine days since FDR had left California , because , although Hawaii and Alaska were not yet states , the time FDR had spent in the two territories was not exactly “ out of the country .”
Bill Clinton ( 2004 ). My Life . New York : Knopf ( Borzoi ). John Milton Cooper ( 1983 ), The Warrior and the Priest , 95