Popular Culture Review Vol. 8, No. 2, August 1997 | Page 112

108 Popular Culture Review culture, as MUM rewrites an established British mass-culture artifact in order to control it. University of Kansas Karen Hellekson A version of this paper was presented in October 1995 at the Great Plains Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association regional meeting in Sioux City, Iowa. Works Cited Alexander, Matt. Interview. Bloontington, Minnesota. July 24,1992. Bacon-Smith, Camille. Enterprising Women; Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1992. Bartholomew, Sue. Interview. Hasting, Minnesota. July 27,1992. "The Doctor Is In." Sci-Fi Universe 2.15 (May 1996): 8-9. "Eighth Doctor Announced!" Sci-Fi Entertainment 2 (1996): 16. "Genesis of the Daleks." Doctor Who. BBC. 8 March 1975-12 April 1975. With Tom Baker and Eiisabeth Sladen. Written by Terry Nation. Produced by Barry Letts. Directed by David Maloney. Heiberg, Keith. "Die, Doctor! Is this the end of Mini-UNIT as we know it?" Panopticon Journal 10:1 (1992): 6-7. Fanzine. Jenkins, Heniy 111. ‘'Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching." Close Encounters: Feminism, Film, and Science Fi