Popular Culture Review Vol. 5, No. 1, February 1994 | Page 154

150 ^ 0£u la^u ltu r^evi^^ C«ill for Papers for the Mid-A^ntic Almanack Md-MknUc Almamdkjt H^e eve annual reifereed journal o f Sve M id" A d andcl^ op idar/A inerlcaaO iltttre Aasociatwnv has issued an open eall for papers for the 1994 ediUon. Send you r m anuscript to the editor, Ralph Donald, t^ a r tm e n t of C otnm unkafions, the Um versity o f Tennessee a t M artin, M artin, T|v|, 38238"5099 (901-587*^ ^ > , H ease enclose three douhle^spaced copies and a self-addressed, stam ped m anllla envelope- lU usuntions m ay accom pany th e te x t, h o t th e au th o r Is responsible fo r obtaining w ritten reproduction perm ission from copyright holders- P reJened article le t^ h is less than 20 pages, indodittg notes and blbU t^ ap hy, Docum entation m ay be In ^ fb n n ap|sopriate for the discipline of the w riter. O therw ise, M tA style is prefew ed. Prom ising articles w ill b e sent to tw o associate editors for open peer review and publisb/not publish recom m endations. ContrOntting au ih o ts are asked, Imt not required, to join d ie M id-A tlantic Popular/Am erican Culture Association.