Popular Culture Review Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1993 | Page 80

78 Popular Culture Review code promulgated in the Club that eventual legislation reflected its input in such areas as restricted seasons, protected seasons for mating, gender-based and otherwise limited bags, outlawing of unfair hunting methods and, of course, poaching. Conservation measures were so effective that game multiplied well beyond the requirements of a small elite sport hunting conununity. The vision of this faux-aristocracy went far to guarantee game availability for members of the masses. Where the commercial hunter was entirely acquisition minded and the European Manor Bom Aristocrat more a shooter than a hunter, this rapidly evolving type— perhaps best typified by Theodore Roosevelt-came to understand the natural food-chain and the attendant cycle of life, death, decay, rebirth. They opted to examine closely the red tooth and talon of nature. Much of the thrust of e \