Popular Culture Review Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1993 | Page 25

The Failure of Objectivity in Journalism 23 Hall, Stuart. ’’Media Power: The Double Bind.” Journal of Communication 24 (Autumn 1974): 19-26. — .’T h e Rediscovery of ’Ideology’: Return of the Repressed in Media Studies.” Culture, Society, and the Media. Ed. Michael Gurevitch, et. al. London: Mathuen, 1982.56-90. Reese, Stephen D. ’The News Paradigm and the Ideology of Objectivity.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 7 (1990): 390-409. Schiller, Dan. Objectivity and the News: The Public and the Rise of Commercial Journalism. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981. Schudson, Michael. Discovering the News: A Social History of American Newspapers. New York: Basic Books, 1978. Shaw, Donald L. ’’News Bias and the Telegraph: a Study of Historical Change.” Journalism Quarterly (Spring 1967): 3-12,31. Taylor, Charles A. and Celeste M. Condit. ’’Objectivity and Elites: A Creation Science Trial.” Critical Studies in Mass Communications 5 (1988): 293312. Tuchman, Gaye. ’’Consciousness Industries and the Production of Culture.” Journal of Communication 33 (1983): 330-341. —. Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality. New York: The Free Press, 1978.