Popular Culture Review Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer 2017 | Page 23

选为陪审团成员的人不能互相交流正在调查的案件 , 也不能和任何人谈论此事 。 他们也需 要避免阅读新闻文章 , 或是观看相关的电视节目 。 然而 , 在高科技的世界里 , 他们同样也 被要求禁止使用互联网 。 在审判期间 , 陪审员被警告不能使用电子邮件 、 推特或在脸书等 社交网络里上传信息 。 本文检测了陪审员通过使用网络产生的不当行为和防止该行为的司 法策略 。
关键词 : 陪审员 , 不当行为 , 互联网 , 社交媒体 , 无效审判
We live in the digital age . The Internet makes it easy to obtain data quickly and easily . It also provides us with a vehicle through which to exchange information and ideas instantaneously . The Internet affords us with a means of accessing data on a variety of topics and communicating with a vast audience . No matter the platform , Facebook , Twitter , Yahoo or Google , people are using websites to interact and conduct research . In 2016 , approximately 3,424,971,237 people used the Internet . There is no doubt that jurors made up a percentage of that number . Unfortunately , they are not only using it on their own time , but on the court ’ s time as well . Empaneled jurors are told not to converse with each other or anyone else about the trial they are reviewing . They are also advised that this directive includes emailing , tweeting or posting info on Facebook or Twitter during the course of the trial . 1 The majority of jurors adhere to these guidelines ; but some do not . This article examines juror misconduct via the use of the Internet and judicial strategies for preventing it .
Jurors are instructed to refrain from discussing a pending case with anyone , even fellow jurors , until it is time to deliberate . They are cautioned to avoid reading news articles and watching television shows that discuss the case they are deciding . Our high-tech world also mandates , however , that they are cautioned against Internet use as well . “ Internet resources ,
Emily M . Janoski-Haehlen , The Courts Are all a ‘ Twitter ’: The Implications of Social Media Use in the Courts , 6 Val . U . L . Rev . 43 , 45-46 ( 2011 ).