Popular Culture Review Vol. 28, No. 1, February 2017 | Page 28

get cosmetic procedures . More specifically , that character identification is more influential than a cultivation effect of TV exposure . In particular , this study shows that traits of one ’ s favorite TV character may be important in social comparison processes and a key determinant of the importance emerging adults place on their appearance and partner ’ s appearance , and likelihood of cosmetic procedures . Social comparison with favorite TV character is more important than the cumulative cultivation effect of media in predicting importance of own and partner ’ s appearance , and likelihood of cosmetic procedures .
American Society of Plastic Surgeons . ( 2013 ) 14.6 Million Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures Performed in 2012 [ press release ]. Retrieved from http :// www . plasticsurgery . org / news / 2013 / 14 -million-cosmetic-plastic-surgeryprocedures-performed-in-2012 . html
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Bandura , A . ( 1977 ). Social learning theory . Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice-Hall .