Popular Culture Review Vol. 26, No. 1, Winter 2015 | Page 7

FnHn, t/Lo I hope you enjoy this wonderfully diverse issue in which we present a potpourri of very re adable essays. W e see what lies behind “The Misguided Zen of Fight Club" and the “Shifting V alues” of Punk subculture. The reprehensible “pseudo-e vent” of the E bola crisis is given a B audrillardian interpretation, while the m ultim edia’s incre asing importance in expanding the role of muse ums is presented. Both Twilight Zone and Sesame Street take on new dim ensions under the mirrors of theory. How Woody Strode and John F ord took on black stereotypes is explored, as are “race relations and Am erican Popular C ulture” in The Tempest We have incre ased the number of book reviews and hope for a still gre ater number in the future. Finally, I wa nt to thank Associate E ditor C arol T urn er who bailed me out of a tough spot and served ably for several issues. I couldn’t have don e it without her, and appreciate the diligence and grace with which she served. 0 3