Popular Culture Review Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2014 | Page 91

87 Dekker’s House are able to accept the salvation offered by the Christian Jesus and are therefore forgiven. House incorporates the doctrinal elements of Christian Fiction in order to create a clear depiction of the implicit and explicit Christian views of right and wrong. Throughout Peretti and Dekker’s novel, one of the two main female characters, Leslie, is repeatedly reprimanded and ultimately suffers eternal damnation. Through the depiction of Leslie, Peretti and Dekker construct what they believe is a biblically-based representation of an ungodly and punishable woman. Leslie’s character is presented as an assertive and powerful woman whose past is marked by a variety of tribulations that she has yet to overcome. Among the trials that Leslie has faced lays child molestation. Peretti and Dekker utilize Leslie’s position as a sexual abuse victim to psychologically torture her throughout the novel, commonly referen