Popular Culture Review Vol. 25, No. 2, Summer 2014 | Page 20

16 gear and took off, leaving me in the middle of Shit Creek” (29). As the frightened Foxworthy runs after the car with a vigor that “would have set a new school speed record,” he recalls “Everything that could possibly happen to me flashed into my head as I raced through the dark. [...] I feared that by the time the Goat People and Waterheads got through with me, there would be nothing left to take home” (29). Luckily, he finds that his friends are waiting for him at the end of the road. “You bastards!” he yells. “Leave me in Shit Creek! The Goat Man was right behind me\ He was this close to catching me!” (30). Beyond the concern for his personal safety, Foxworthy deftly illustrates the deeper fear of lapsing into and being caught by that monstrous Other, the white trash abomination, the other self, trailing at one’s heels, always threatening to subsume one’s identity into its own. To find many more such monsters, we need only move into Foxworthy’s redneck one-liners themselves, where we see a marked divergence from the redneck as good honest folk and the slip into the old stereotypical depictions identified by Duane Carr and others. In his debut comedy album titled. You might be a redneck if... the joke series first appears over halfway into the routine. Foxworthy fires a quick volley of twelve jokes, all beginning with the subordinating conjunction “I f ’ and followed by a description of some characterizing behavior, then the warning “you might be a Redneck.” The first 12 jokes are as follows: • If you’ve been on television more than five times describing what the tornado sounded like . .. you might be a Redneck. • If you’ve ever cut your grass and found a car . . . you might be a Redneck. • If your dad walks you to school . . . because you’re in the same grade . . . you might be a Redneck. • If you’ve ever been too drunk to fish .. . you might be a Redneck. If someone asks to see your ID and show ‘em your belt buckle . . . you might be a Redneck. • If you’ve ever had to haul a can of paint to a water tower to defend your sister’s honor . . . you might be a Redneck. • If your dog and your wallet are both on a chain . . . you might be a Redneck. • If every day someone comes to your door thinking you’re having a yard sale . . . you might be a Redneck. • If you’ve ever financed a tattoo . . . you might be a