Popular Culture Review Vol. 24, No. 1, Winter 2013 | Page 117

Populär Culture Review Populär Culture Review, the refereed joumal of the Far West Populär and American Culture Associations (sponsored by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas) is published twice yearly. It is indexed in the MLA Bibliography and the Modem Humanities Research Association’s Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature. Members of the FWPCA/FWACA receive each issue as part of membership. Single copies may be purchased for $10.00 domestic and $15.00 international. Yearly subscriptions for institutions and libraries are $25.00. Requests for back issues should be submitted to the editor. Please note that the joumal is now all electronic and all requests for Submission guidelines and/or submissions should be sent to Felicia Campbell (Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) at [email protected]. Documentation may take the form appropriate for the discipline of the writer; the current MLA style sheet is a usefiil model. The editorial staff will defer to the current Chicago Manual o f Style to resolve stylistic differences. The joumal invites articles on all aspects of both populär and American culture. Correspondence about me