Popular Culture Review Vol. 23, No. 2, Summer 2012 | Page 94

90 Popular Culture Review avant-garde cultural and esthetic nature, m ade a partial but deep, m ostly n egativ e, im pact on the Iranian populace. For instance, during the last Shiraz A rts F estiva l in 1978 w hich coin cid ed w ith the h o ly m onth o f Ramadan, w hen observant M u slim s fast and abstain from both eating and drinking from daw n till dusk, in a p la y called “The Pig, The K id, and the Fire,” a com p letely real “rape” w as en acted b efore the ey es o f the p op u lace in a street in Shiraz, w hich sparked the ire o f the p eo p le and clerics, in a m anner that ev en the notorious Pahlavi secret service, S A V A K , w as drawn to it. An issue of the popular weekly, Ettela’at-e Haftegi ( W eekly N ew s) In sum , w hat cam e above constituted the core o f the Pahlavi cultural p o lic y in its final decades. N ev erth eless, bringing these factors up in this article is not m eant for putting forward a proper “art” critique o f them , w h ich certainly ca lls for discrete and com p reh en sive essa ys on the resp ective subjects. Rather, b y b ringing them up here I intend to broach the broader question o f dem ocracy