Popular Culture Review Vol. 22, No. 1, Winter 2011 | Page 67

Sports Talk Radio: Finding Community in “The Jungle” of Jim Rome Abstract Sports talk radio represents a particular niche form o f popular media whose influence on American culture extends far beyond its predominantly male audience. The sports radio talk format engages a dynamic between host and listener, as well as across listeners, which allows for an examinati on o f how community can exist beyond geographic boundaries, building upon the use o f social identity theories, popular culture, and other sociological constructs. This paper focuses on the Jim Rome Show, arguably the most recognizable name in sports talk radio, to better understand how the medium can create an environment o f community. Sports talk radio represents a genre of media that significantly impacts American culture, and indeed, provides an example of how popular culture can reflect, as well as influence, social interaction. Even in an era when new forms of media communication are constantly emerging, sports talk radio still exemplifies how popular culture can transmit and create social values. But how can a narrowly defined element of popular culture such as sports talk radio represent and improve upon a significant social issue such as how to define and create community? The struggle to understand how community is constructed has rising importance as people are increasingly disengaged from more traditional social networks, which create the vital social capital that benefits both societies and individuals (Putnam, 2000). Challenges to the existing sense of community include increased expectations around work and standards of living, geographic separation, and more isolated social habits such as watching television and internet usage (Putnam, 2000). Can radio, specifically sports talk radio, help alter these trends? To consider this question, a brief history of sports talk radio will be provided for context, and an illustration of one successful show. The Jim Rome Show, will serve as an example for how to combat the trends of disintegrating community. Attention is paid to how this show exhibits characteristics unique to sports talk radio, and what conceptual frameworks can be used in order to advance the creation of community through this expression of popular culture. The Emergence of a Genre: Defining Sports Talk Radio Sports talk radio represents a particular genre of talk radio found almost exclusively on stations that use what Arbitron, the leading radio research company in the U.S., calls an “all-sports” format. Although these shows are based on a “News/Talk/Information” format, they have enough significant