Popular Culture Review Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2009 | Page 155

Twenty Years of Popular Culture Review Volume 20, Number 1 V Winter 2009 The Reality Reality Show James Bond 007 and the Name of the Order Buff Brides: Disciplining the Female Body V fo r V en d e tta : A Graphic Retelling of M a c b e th Return of the Patriarchs: Authority, Gender, and Reason in Post-9/11 American Cinema Christopher Moore and the Creation of the Beta Male Greetings from Dutch Country: Photography, Travel, and the Amish Postcard The Great Leather Generation Swindle: Literature and Promotion in Contemporary Spain Lili: A Cold War Parable Book Reviews: C h ristm a s Isla n d : A n A n th ro p o lo g ic a l S tu d y 151 H. Peter Steeves Daniel F. Ferreras Erika Engstrom Jessica McCall Dan C. Shoemaker Jaq Greenspon Shauna Frischkom Luis Mancha Anna Louise Bates Anthony Guy Patricia by Simone Dennis T a k in g S o u th P a rk S e rio u sly Anthony Guy Patricia Edited by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock T he R e p tilia n In te rlu d e s (a n d a c h ild 's p ra y e r) by Ross Talarico Dennis Rohatyn