Popular Culture Review Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2009 | Page 152

Popular Culture Review 148 Bidding “Farewell to Bikini”: N a tio n a l G e o g ra p h ic and United States’s Atomic Testing in the Pacific The Textual Confessional: Memoirs of Societal Taboos and Personal Dysfunctions The Woman Athlete Revealed: The Problem of Get-Ups and Glitter for Female Olympians Broken Bodies, Disruptured Landscapes: Landmines as Bio-Power in Afghanistan and Cambodia “Screening” the Sexuality of Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Artist in Two Films China and the Fad for Japan in Onoto Watanna’s Scott C. Zeman Dennis Russell Carol-Ann Farkas Arthur Saniotis Christopher F. Johnston Ellen Dupree C h in e se -J a p a n e se C o o k B o o k “I’m a Crook”: Representations of the U.S. President in Popular Literature Poker is “Going to the Dogs”: The Artistry of Cassius Marcellus Coolidge Book Reviews: O n c e U p o n a T im e: A P e r s o n a l G u id e to T e llin g a n d W ritin g Y o u r O w n S to ry Jeffrey Johnson William Thompson Reviewed by Mellissa Llanes Brownlee by Ross Talarico L u c ille C lifto n : H e r L ife a n d L e tte rs by Mary Jane Lupton F r o m R u s s ia w ith L o v e : A 5Cfh A n n iv e rsa ry V a le n tin e T itle by Ian Fleming Volume 18, Number 2 * Summer 2007 The Monster at the End of This Essay Thinking Things Through: A Meditation on H. Peter Steeves’s T h e T h in g s T h e m se lv e s: Reviewed by Caroline Maun Reviewed by Adam Henry Carriere H. Peter Steeves Dennis Rohatyn P h e n o m e n o lo g y a n d th e R e tu rn to th e E v e ry d a y What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander: Interpreting Marge Piercy’s H e, S h e a n d It The Subversive Undercurrent to F o s te r 's H o m e f o r I m a g in a r y F r ie n d s : Blooregard Q. Kazoo Decontextualizes American Popular Culture Parks and Wreck: Amusement and Anxiety at Tum-of-the-Century Coney Island “I Dreamed I saw Joe Hill Last Night”: The IWW’s Lost Legacy in American Popular Culture Theremin Blind Brook Brayman Amy M. Green Chris Kamerbeek Ron Briley Joey Skidmore