Popular Culture Review Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2009 | Page 151

Twenty Years of Popular Culture Review Book Reviews: A m e ric a n P a ra d o x : Y o u n g B la c k M e n by Renford Reese T he Q u ie te d V oice: T he R ise a n d D e m ise o f L o c a lism in A m e ric a n R a d io by Robert L. Hilliard and Michael C. Keith Volume 17, Number 2 0 Summer 2006 Pomumentaries and Sexploitation: The Cultural Signs of Sex Recreating Macau in the Image of Las Vegas: Will Cultural Globalization Come Home to Roost? Gendered Ambivalence: Representations of Kathoey in Thailand “It’s My Body and I’ll Show It If I Want To”: The Politics of Language in the Autobiographies of Dorothy Dandridge, Diahann Carroll, and Whoopi Goldberg The New Journalism of the Sixties: Reevaluating Objective Reality and Conventional Journalistic Practice When Fiction Becomes Reality: Authorial Voice in The D o o r in th e F lo o r, S e c r e t W in d o w , and Reviewed by Sharon Moore Reviewed by Erika Engstrom Daniel F. Ferreras Robert W. Duff and Lawrence K. Hong Arthur Saniotis Kwakiutl L. Dreher Dennis Russell Jan Whitt S w im m in g P o o l Man(kind) Vs. Mountain Carriers of Popular Indian Culture: The Bauls of Bengal Narrative Transformations: Jonathan Lethem’s M en a n d C a rto o n s Comic Books and Geek Culture Book Reviews: The T e n n e sse e W illia m s E n c y c lo p e d ia edited by Philip C. Kolin The V a m p ire a s N u m in o u s E x p e rie n c e : S p iritu a l J o u r n e y s w ith th e U n d e a d in B ritish a n d A m e ric a n L ite ra tu re Armand E. Singer Satish Sharma William Petty Reviewed by Felicia Campbell Reviewed by Reika Lee by Beth E. McDonald J a c k in g in to th e Matrix F ra n c h ise : C u ltu ra l R e c e p tio n a n d In te rp re ta tio n Edited by Matthew Kapell and William G. Doty Volume 18, Number 1 v Winter 2007 Chef Appeal Reviewed by Mindy Hutchings | Alison Pearlman 147