Popular Culture Review Vol. 17, No. 1, Winter 2006 | Page 66

62 Popular Culture Review “glozening” glossary to interpretation as some critics have suggested.2 Rather, in examining his image, the drinker unwittingly applauds his transformation while a fresh libation of wine conscripts him still further into the shadow of intoxication. Here, in a superb illustration of alcoholic denial, we witness the intoxicant’s fascination with the illumination, which he perceives as emanating from his “liquid cynosure,” but it is apparent that the fantasy has little to do with any kind of genuine, natural inspiration; and the “slow applause” must ultimately be relegated to his opportunity to drink more wine and nothing more. In this regard, it is becoming apparent that the intoxicant’s “cynosure” amounts to little more than a self-created prison that has emanated from his alcoholic penchant for self-indulgence. In the next 7F