Popular Culture Review Vol. 17, No. 1, Winter 2006 | страница 103

Appendix A “The Wine Menagerie” by Hart Crane Invariably when wine redeems the sight, Narrowing the mustard scansion of the eyes, A leopard ranging always in the brow Asserts a vision in the slumbering gaze. Then glozening decanters that reflect the street Wear me in crescents on their bellies. Slow Applause flows into liquid cynosures: —I am conscripted to their shadows’ glow. Against the imitation onyx wainscotting (Painted emulsion of snow, eggs, yam, coal, manure) Regard the forceps of the smile that takes her. Percussive sweat is spreading to his hair. Mallets Her eyes, unmake an instant of the world. What is in the heap the serpent pries, Whose skin, facsimile of time, unskeins Octagon, sapphire transepts round the eyes; —From whom some whispered carillon assures Speed to the arrow into feathered skies? Sharp to the window-pane guile drags a face, And as the alcove of her jealousy recedes An urchin who has left the snow Nudges a canister across the bar While August meadows somewhere clasp his brow. Each chamber, transept, coins some squint, Remorseless line, minting their separate wills— Poor streaked bodies wreathing up and out, Unwitting the stigma that each turn repeals: Between black tusks the roses shine! New thresholds, new anatomies! Wine talons Build freedom up about me and distill This competence—to travel in a tear Sparkling alone, within another’s will. Until my blood dreams a receptive smile Wherein new purities are snared; where chimes Before some flame of gaunt repose a shell Tolled once, perhaps, by every tongue in hell. Anguished, the wit that cries out of me: Alas,—these frozen billows of your skill!