Popular Culture Review Vol. 16, No. 2, Summer 2005 | Page 147

Learning From Las Vegas 143 The New York Times 1 Oct. 1993: C4. Clines, Francis X. “Gambling, Pariah N o More, Is Booming Across America.” The New York Times 5 Dec. 1993, sec. 1:1. Debord, Guy. The Society o f the Spectacle, Trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith. NY: Zone Books, 1994. James, Caryn. “Bugsy Muscles in on Hollywood Glamour.” The New York Times 22 Dec. 1991, sec. 2:22. Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic o f Late Capitalism. Durham: Duke UP, 1991. ---------- “Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic o f Late Capitalism.” Postmodernism: A Reader. Ed. Thomas Docherty. NY: Columbia UP, 1993: 62-92. ---------- Signatures o f the Visible. N ew York: Routledge, 1990. Kakutani, Michiko. “Designer N ihilism ” The New York Times 24 Mar. 1996, sec. 6: 30. Karlen, Neal. “A Stroke o f Genius.” The New York Times 25 Apr. 1993, sec. 9: 5. Maslin, Janet. “Sure, He Had His Faults, But the Man Had Vision.” The New York Times 13 Dec. 1991: C12. McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1994. Mulvey,