Popular Culture Review Vol. 16, No. 2, Summer 2005 | Page 107

Americans New McCarthyism 103 showed 72 percent of Americans opposed the legalization of interracial marriage. One function of stereotypes is to turn the people they target into ‘‘things”: Judge Kramer did not allow television cameras in the courtroom, but that did not damper interest. Cameras were set up in another courtroom, wJiere lawyers made statements and many of the same-sex couples answered questions. At one point, the opposing sides got into a tiff, ^^4len a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund [co-founded by Dr. James Dobson] asked the couples to move away from the cameras. “This is a prop,” the [Alliance Defense Fund] lawyer, Benjamin W. Bull said, pointing at the rows of [same-sex] couples. “Excuse me,” countered one of their lawyers, Gloria Allred. “They are human beings, not props.” {New York Times, December 24, 2004) That has been one of the primary McCarthy-like uses of the stereotypes and myths deployed by the Christian Right and their political brethren: to dehumanize gay people and turn them into objects of distrust and revulsion suitable for moral outrage. These immoral “things” could then be used in political arguments based solely on the epistemology of fundamentalist religion and its so-called “traditional” values to undermine the human, social, and economic reality of gay Americans and their families. From Mary Ellen Peterson’s 365Gay.com December 28, 2004, report: Kramer has asked to see additional written arguments by January 14th. But, [he] has told the city it cannot include arguments countering the assertions made by conservative groups opposing same-sex marriage that gays can be cured and that children are better off with opposite-sex parents. Among the documents submitted by the Alliance Defense Fund are statements by Princeton University psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover that gays misled the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality from its list o f mental disorders in 1973. Satinover regularly promotes socalled 'reparative or aversion therapy 'fo r gays.