Popular Culture Review Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 2005 | Page 45

Spectres of Fear 41
I would like to conclude here via Rene Girard who tied magical power with violence . For him the scapegoat embodied Otherness whose annulling ensured the continuation of society . In this way , the bogeyman fused myth , power and redemption . In Australian culture , representations of the bogeyman in the form of Australian Muslims are related to the exercise of redemptive power by dominant individuals who deem their actions necessary for offsetting ambivalence ( Mast 1997 ).
University of Adelaide Arthur Saniotis
Notes 1 “ In February 1998 , Bin Laden issued a religious ruling ( fatwa ) which called on all Muslims to kill U . S . citizens and their allies .” 2 Louis Deprez ’ s essay “ The Chimera ” is found in Warner ( 1998,240-245 ). 3 I am reminded here of an episode from Machiavelli ’ s famous treatise , The Prince where the young Oliverotto invites his uncle Giovanni Faglioni and his friends to dinner . In an act of unspeakable treachery Faglioni and all other guests are murdered by Oliverotto ’ s soldiers while dining ( Machiavelli , 1986 , 64-65 ). 4 th
I define Islamism as a 20 century political ideological movement which is a conservative form of Muslim fundamentalism ; a system of social governance which incorporates all aspects o f society . Islamism offers a comparatively uncompromising interpretation of Islam which opposes more liberal Muslim ideologies .
The bombing occurred at the Sari club in the Balinese town of Kuta at approximately 11.30 pm when the club was full with tourists . 6 Rinnan claimed that the asylum seekers had been rescued from a leaking Indonesian boat . 7 The Age 21 November . 2002 . p . 1 . g New South Wales Legislative Assembly Hansard , 22 November , 2002 .
g “ Fred Nile attacks Muslim women ’ s traditional dress ” AM - Thursday , 21 November ,
2002 http :// www . abc . net . au / am / stories / s731622 . htm 10 The World Today 1 November . 2002 . 11 The Australian Attorney-General , Daryl Williams stated " We are doing what is necessary in the interests of the Australian community and it will be done under proper legal means , and . under well-established , strict procedures ." New South Wales Labor premier , Bob Carr pointed out that the ASIO raids were necessary due to the " terrible terrorist incident " in Bali . Carr further claimed that security organisations " must take account of the possibility of sleeper cells having been set up in Australia , planted in Australia , even a decade ago , ready to be activated when required .” ‘ ASIO raids a test of purpose ’ Sydney Morning Herald , Smh . com . au 1 November 2002 . 12 Michael Humphrey ’ s essay called “ Humanitarianism , Terrorism and the Transnational Border ” ( 2002 ), outlines the linkages between border protection and Australian government ’ s Asylum policy . Aspects of this relationship are also discussed in Ghassan Hage ’ s Against Paranoid Nationalism ( 2003 ).