Popular Culture Review Vol. 15, No. 1 | Page 10

6 Popular Culture Review to confront a malignant evil. The formula has undergone subtle changes over the years, but Carpenter asserts in his most recent release that relying on women to take charge of the solution to the problem will have only the same result as when men are at the helm of the forces opposing various forms of evil. Our hope is that with these pieces, we will have uncovered a variety of tropes used by John Carpenter that have received only scant analysis thus far. We find Carpenter’s work always workmanlike and intriguing, and we look forward to his next release. As always, your observations are appreciated. And remember: send in those papers! Please address any questions and comments you may have (paper submissions, article standards, or circulation issues), to the email addresses which can be found on the inside cover. Mindy Hutchings Circulation Goddess, Popular Culture Review [email protected]