Popular Culture Review Vol. 14, No. 2, Summer 2003 | Page 92

88 Popular Culture Review question like that. Moreover, this sort of questioning (and the storytelling that might result) would complicate the romantic storylines that appear to be favored by pro ducers and participants alike. Theme 3: Love is Clear, Decisive, and Certain If a particular marital relationship is destiny, and if a partner is that special “one,” then it makes sense that there would be some point at which one falls head over heels in love. A third theme running through many A Wedding Story episodes is the idea that when love does happen, it is unmistakeable and overwhelming. Jody’s description of falling in love with Stan is a variation on the cultural idea of love at first sight. In her case, however, it was love at first phone call, as she ex plains: “I called Stan on the phone, from a calling card here, and the minute he picked up the phone, I knew. I said, ‘I’m in love with this person.” Another participant, Junga, describes her first realization that she was in love with Steve in terms of love at first kiss: “When he kissed me, I, I knew, it was him. Um, he was the best kisser, and my feet started tingling, and my whole heart started thumping, and I thought, 'O h my gosh, he’s, he’s the man.’” Warryn, in contrast, characterizes the first moment he saw his significant other as the moment he knew they were destined for each other. Erica was singing and acting in a play Warryn went to see: In the middle of the play, out comes Erica on the stage and I’m watching her, um, and I see her and she singin’ and doin’ her thing performin’, and it’s just knocking me out, I’m like “Oh my God.” My cousin was with me and I said, “Toni, this is my wife right here” and she’s like “Yeah, right.” While some A Wedding Story participants recounted an initially overwhelm ing attraction, others described a slow recognition or growth of love. But even for these storytellers, there is usually a point in time when the love becomes either fully recognized or developed. For example, Christina and Juan had known each other for years prior to any romance. For them, the realization that the other person was “the one” came as something of a surprise. C hristina: When I realized how much I loved him, I also realized that this is the man I wanted to get married with and that was a scary thought! Ju an: I started to think about marriage.. .but never very seriously. And all of a sudden it just, it popped into my head. C hristina: I had realized that, all these years, you know, something actu ally very strong had grown inside, and, uh, and he was it. He was the one. He was the one for me.