Popular Culture Review Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2003 | Page 69

Culture of Contagion 65 cannot, it might seem, easily be constructed as foreigners, yet if you conceive them as having essential qualities at variance somehow with your notion of America, and then express that essence as propagating like a disease, you have accomplished the same thing. It is by such metaphors that we conceive of the point where, in poet Louise Gluck’s phrase, self ends and “the blur of the world begins” (80). Conta gion is the modern Trojan horse, the ultimate twentieth-century symbol of the foreigner within our walls. State University of West Georgia David Raney Works Cited Baudrillard, Jean. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. NY: Verso, 1993. Boyer, Paul S. Purity in Print: The Vice-Society Movement and Book Censorship in America. NY: Scribner's, 1968. Brown, JoAnne. “Crime, Commerce, and Contagionism." Scientific Authorin' and Twentieth-Century America. Ed. Ronald G. Walters. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. 53-81. Cohen. Irun R. “The Self, the World and Autoimmunity.” Immunology: Recognition and Response. Ed. William E. Paul. NY: Freeman, 1991. Crowther, Hal. “The Plague of Pop.” Rev. Hole in Our Soul, by Martha Bayles. Atlanta Constitution 17 July 1994: NIO. Davis, David Brion. The Fear of Conspiracy: Images of Un-American Subversion from the Revolution to the Present. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1971. Davis, Ren. “Catch Augusta; It's Contagious!” Georgia Journal Jan/Feb 1998: 34 ff. Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. NY: Oxford UP, 1976. Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. London: Vintage, 1998. Gallagher, Nora. “Feeling the Squeeze?” Utne Reader September/October 1992: 54. Gliick, Louise. “The Dreamer and the Watcher.” Singular Voices: American Poetry Today. Ed. Stephen Berg. NY: Avon, 1985. 75-82. Gordon, Richard. The Alarming History of Medicine. NY: St. Martin's, 1993. Heale, M.J. American Anti-Communism: Combating the Enemy Within, 1830-1970. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990. Hemdl, Diane Price. Invalid Women: Figuring Feminine Illness in American Fiction and Culture, 1840-1940. Chapel Hill: U of NC P, 1993. Herzlich, Claudine and Janine Pierret. Illness and Self in Society. Trans. Elborg Forster. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987. Hofstadter, Richard. “The Paranoid Style in American Politics.” The Paranoid Style in American Poli tics and Other Essays. NY: Knopf, 1966. 3-40. Hooper, Judith. “A New Germ Theory.” Atlantic Monthly February 1999: 41-53. Johnson, David E. and Scott Michael.son, eds. Border Theory .- The Limits of Cultural Politics. Minne apolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. Karlen, Amo. Man and Microbes. NY: Putnam, 1995. Kroll, Jack. “Romancing the Plague.” Newsweek 3 June 1996: 75. Marquis, Alice Goldfarb. Hope and Ashes: The Birth of Modern limes, 1929-1939. NY: Free Press, 1986. Martin, Emily. Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture - From the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Boston: Beacon, 1994.