Popular Culture Review Vol. 14, No. 1, February 2003 | Page 104

100 Popular Culture Review Figure 4. Indonesia’s Reform Era The process of transforming the authoritarian political system of President Suharto’s New Order regime (1966-1998) to a more democratic one has been pain fully slow for the voters who brought a fragile alliance of reform parties to power as a result of the 1999 elections, an event that most Indonesians hoped would prove to be a watershed in their political history. I'hree of Gun Gun’s cartoons that draw attention to situations that need to be changed if the country is to progress will be presented and interpreted in this section. Two Wrong-Sized Shoes Impair Progress Gun Gun’s Figure 5 cartoon communicates why the reform (reformasi) gov ernment produced by Indonesia’s 1999 elections has not yet achieved much politi cal or economic progress. The man (who symbolizes Indonesia’s new govern ment) has not made much forward progress because one of his shoes is so much larger than the other that he is limping badly and even needs a cane to stabilize himself. The boy dressed in tattered clothes (who symbolizes the impoverished Indonesian people) that the government man is trying to carry forward on his back is asking, “Why are you limping. Mister?’’ The fact that the big shoe is labeled OBRA means that it symbolizes Suharto’s New Order regime. The reason this OBRA shoe is so much bigger than the one