Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2001 | Page 5

Popular Culture Review Volume xii, no, 1 In tr odu c tion ................................................................................................................. iii Unreal ''F ie ld s ”: Constituents o f the Lasting Popularity o f The B ea tles' Straw b erry Fields Forever Arnold S. Wolfe............................................................................................................. 5 Writing Women's M agazines Caroline O ates..............................................................................................................19 Staging (on fdn i ) Rich ard III to R e flect the P resent James H. Forse..............................................................................................................33 A da pting a P opula r Culture Genre to C riticize an A uthoritarian Governm ent: Balinese A rtists A tta ck Suharto s R epressive Indonesian Regim e Richard O strom ........................................................................................................... 41 M artha Stew art's Intim ate Invitation s to e-comm erce Susan Brown Zahn ......................................................................................................53 ''Every O ld Trick is N ew A ga in ”: M yth in Quotations and the S ta r Trek F r a n c h is e Djoymi B aker.............................................................................................................. 67 D econstructing Bujfy: Buffv the Vampire S layer's C ontribution to the Discourse on G ender C onstruction Kate Harts.....................................................................................................................79 The Seduction o f Comm unism: One L on ely N igh t a nd J et P ilot Cyndy Hendershot.......................................................................................................99 Are We Having Fun Yet? Steven C arter..............................................................................................................109 British Film Com edy in the N ew M illennium: Rik Mayall, A drian Edmondson, a nd G u est H ouse Paradiso Wheeler Winston Dixon............................................................................................115 The H a un ting: Jan D eB ont R einterprets a R ob ert Wise Classic B.R. Sm ith.................................................................................................................. 127 M ach in es f o r Ultimate Questions: P opu la r Culture betw een Techno E leg ies and Raving E cstasy Janez Strehovec......................................................................................................... 135