Popular Culture Review Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2001 | Page 151

147 Popular Culture Review P opu la r Culture R eview , the refereed journal of the Far West Popular and American Culture Associations, sponsored by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is published twice yearly. It is indexed in the MLA Bibliography and the Modem Humanities Research Association’s Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature. Members of the FWPCA/FWACA receive each issue as part of membership. Single copies may be purchased for $7.50 by individuals. Yearly subscriptions for institutions and libraries are $25.00. Requests for back issues should be submitted to the editor. Submissions to P opu la r Culture R e v ie w should be sent to the editor, Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 891545011. The journal invites articles on all aspects of both popular and American culture. Query with SASE for guidelines. Correspondence about membership in FWPCA/FWACA, which includes a subscription to P opu la r C ulture Review, should be sent to Felicia F. Campbell, Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 89154. P opu la r Culture R eview gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to this journal by the UNLV College of Liberal Arts, the UNLV Department of English, and Ray B. Browne and Pat Browne of the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations. Articles published do not necessarily represent the opinions of and are not the legal responsibility of P opu la r Culture Review. ISSN 1060-8125