Popular Culture Review Vol. 1, December 1989 | Page 6

The Popular Culture Review will be published twice yearly at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas under the auspices o f the Far W est Popular/American Culture Associations. One issue will appear in June and one issue in December. Members of the FW PCA/FW ACA will receive each issue as part o f their member ship. Single copies may be purchased for $7.50 by individuals and $10.00 by institutions and libraries. Requests for back issues should be submitted to the editor. Submissions to The Popular Culture Review should be sent to the editor, Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, N V 89154. The journal invites articles on all aspects o f both popular and American culture. Manuscripts should be sent in duplicate, double-spaced, in current MLA style (except end notes will be preferred to a bibliography). Please include a stamped, selfaddressed envelope with submissions. Articles over sixteen pages in length should be preceded by a query letter to the editor. Correspondence about membership in FWPCA/FWACA, which includes a subscription to The Popular Culture Review should be sent to Felicia F. Campbell, Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154. The Popular Culture Review gratefully acknowledges the contributions made to this journal by John C. Unrue, Senior VicePresident and Provost o f the University o f Nevada, Las Vegas and Ray B. Browne and Pat Browne o f the Popular Culture and American Culture Associations. W ithour their generous help, this publication would never have become a reality. Printed for the FWPCA/FWACA and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas by R A S Printing, 3650 Decatur Blvd. #20, Las Vegas, NV 89103. © pending.