Popular Culture Review 29.1 (Spring 2018) | Page 142

By Todd Moffett

The Blacksmith

By Todd Moffett

Abstract : One of the earliest literary archetypes is the Blacksmith , a figure who appears in mythologies worldwide . Archaeological evidence of the Blacksmith ’ s trade may go as far back as 5000 BC , and stories about the Blacksmith may be just as old . In some cultures , the smith , the flint knapper , and the potter are inextricably interwoven . Yet the Blacksmith is an ambiguous figure whose inventions both help and harm humankind . Two main storylines surround the Blacksmith , the first being a quest to transform baser materials to gold , and the second being the invention of the Fantastic Machine . As a secondary character , the Blacksmith is often portrayed as the weapons master of the Chief or Warrior or as the craftsman of the gods . One final note focuses on a peculiar physical detail : The Blacksmith is often depicted as crippled or blinded .
Keywords : literary archetypes , Blacksmith archetype , quest narrative , alchemy , mythology
Resumen : Uno de los primeros arquetipos literarios es el herrero , una figura que aparece en mitologías de todo el mundo . La evidencia arqueológica del oficio de herrero podría venir desde antes del año 5000 a . C ., y las historias de herreros podrían ser igual de antiguas . En algunas culturas , el herrero , el tallador de pedernal y el alfarero están insolublemente entrelazados . Sin embargo , el herrero es una figura ambigua cuyos inventos tanto ayudan , como perjudican a la humanidad . Dos narrativas principales rodean al herrero , la primera es la búsqueda de transformar materiales básicos en oro , y la segunda es el invento de la máquina fantástica . Siendo un personaje secundario , el herrero está