In This Report
Your Town Government Garner at a Glance FY 15-16 Milestones FY 15-16 Financial Highlights The Town as a Whole and Its Net Position Revenues , Expenditures , Changes in Fund Balance Bond Activity / Long-Term Debt GFOA Award
3 4 5 6 7 8-9 10 11
Message to the Citizens of Garner
THE TOWN OF GARNER is pleased to present the 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report ( PAFR ), which offers an easy-to-read summary of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ( CAFR ) for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 2016 . The PAFR is intended to increase awareness in the community about the Town ’ s financial operations . We want to guarantee that you have access to high-quality , easily understandable financial information so that you can be well informed and have the utmost confidence in the way we are running your town .
The financial information in this report is derived in large part from the financial statements in the Town ’ s CAFR , which is produced in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and is audited by an independent certified public accounting firm . Although the financial data presented in this report are consistent with generally accepted accounting principles , the PAFR is not expected to provide all of the detail and disclosure required of the CAFR .
The CAFR is available at Town Hall ( currently 914 7th Ave .) and on the Town ’ s website , garnernc . gov . If you have questions about the Town ’ s financial reports or other documents , you can reach the Finance Department at 919.773.4408 .
Sincerely ,
Ronnie S . Williams
2 2016 Popular Annual Financial Report