Pono Press May 2013 | Page 5

( Common Core , Continued from page 4 )
by Valerie Sisneros The following is an excerpt from the Hawaii Rifle Association Newsletter by Dr . Max Cooper “ The U . S . Senate took a role call vote on an amendment to the federal budget to uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the U . S . from entering into the UN Arms Trade Treaty . The amendment passed 53 Yea to 46 Nay . Not surprisingly , Hawaii ’ s
ware education conference in October . “ I don ’ t think it ’ s costless at all .” In April 2011 , he told an audience at the New York Department of Education , in criticizing the sorts of work students are often assigned , “ As you grow up in this world you realize people really don ’ t give a s ** t about what you feel or what you think .” Although Coleman sells the program as encouraging students to think about literature , science and other subjects , the baseline philosophy of Common Core , according to critics , isn ’ t to create students with a solid understanding of what might be considered “ core knowledge ,” but to create students who are designed and ready to be community activists . You can guess which causes they are intended to be activists for . Critics say the curriculum is obsessed with race , gender , class and sexuality as the primary shapers of history , culture and politics . In the case of the Nazi writing assignment , an English teacher at Albany High School in New York had students read Nazi propaganda before handing out the assignment , which the school superintendent , Marguerite Vanden Wyngaard , said was an example of the “ sophisticated ” persuasive writing expected under Common Core standards . “ You must argue that Jews are evil , and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich !” the assignment read in part . “… Review in your notebooks the definitions for logos , ethos , and pathos . Choose which argument style will be most effective in making your point . Please remember , your life ( here in Nazi Germany in the 30 ′ s ) may depend on it !” Vanden Wyngaard said she didn ’ t believe there was any “ malice ” or “ intent ” to be insensitive in the assignment . One-third of the students , to their credit , refused to complete the assignment . That something like the Nazi assignment would pop up in connection to Common Core may not surprise some people . Any way you slice it , Common Core represents nationalization of education . While local governments still retain control over things like reading lists , the program comes with its own series of tests , and Coleman has a goal to rewrite

United Nations Arms Trade Treaty senior Senator , Brian Schatz and Senator Mazie Hirono voted Nay , supporting the Treaty ….. and the President ’ s desire to advance gun control for the U . S . through the UN Arms Treaty .” As you are all aware , this horrible amendment is designed to completely sacrifice our Second Amendment rights over to that honest , efficient and effective organization known as the United

Pono Press , May 2013 , Page 5 the SAT to match Common Core standards . Once the program is established in any location , minor points , like who is in charge , can change . Some critics have connected Common Core with Agenda 21 , the United Nations ’ blueprint to reshape the globe by exerting international control over national and local governments . By virtue of being a Rhodes scholar , Coleman is in an exclusive club that includes some of the world ’ s most famous liberals , such as President Clinton . The Rhodes Scholarships were originally set up with the help of the Rothschild Bank . Adding to the mix contributors like the Gates Foundation and GE does little to discourage thoughts along conspiracy lines , particularly when Coleman starts going on about students competing in the global economy . High-sounding intentions aside , the ultimate result of Common Core seems likely to be liberal indoctrination and the creation of an easily manipulated , reactionary populace . That may very well be exactly as intended . Read more : http :// patriotupdate . com / articles / common-core-quietlynationalizing-education / # ixzz2R2YFtlAj
Nations . The fact that our remaining freedoms hang in the balance by such a thin thread is frightening indeed . 53 to 46 ?? That number should be 100 to 0 . Elected Representatives so willing to hand over our sovereignty to the UN dictators and thugs do not deserve re-election . We must do all that we can to right this ship before it ’ s too late !!