( D . C . Visit Continued from page 2 )
flight . The flight was delayed six hours , three of which were spent on the runway hoping to receive departure clearance , this caused the plane to return to the terminal due to low fuel reserves . There is a three hour maximum wait time in the new Passenger Bill of Rights and the crew had also been timed-out for allowable hours on duty . We were finally able to depart for Minneapolis , arriving at 3:00AM , caught a couple hours sleep on the terminal floor ( Delta provided floor mats ) and were at
Maui News Editorial , Published May 17 , 2013
Sometimes events involving the federal government can seem to be far removed from our small island in the Pacific Ocean . But the egregious misdeeds of the Internal Revenue Service ' s targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status touched home when the Tea Party Maui
" It ' s chilling . What ' s going on in America where political views make you a target for intimidation ?"
revealed that its application for 501c ( 4 ) was delayed by the agency for 26 months . Bill Doyle , who was president of the local Tea Party in 2012 , told The the gate early that morning to secure seat assignments for the return flight to Phoenix . We arrived in PHX at 11:00AM on Friday--12 hours later than originally scheduled . All in all , however , a wonderful experience just the same --and we ' ll do it again if called . My sincere thanks and gratitude to Tea Party Patriots for organizing our travel and accommodations , setting the agenda for our meetings and shepherding us through the " hallways of power " while we were in D . C . Both John and I were complete neophytes to the city and the process and could not have
The Misuse of Power
Maui News in an interview that the IRS kept demanding more information from the group about its members and donors after it applied for the 501c ( 4 ) status in May 2010 . The agency also wanted information on the group ' s communications , speakers who addressed them , and information on the families of members . The application that was expected to be approved within six to 12 weeks was finally approved in July . Doyle said of the experience , " It ' s chilling . What ' s going on in America where political views make you a target for intimidation ?" While the targeting of the conservative groups for extra scrutiny is being blamed on managers in the IRS ' Cincinnati office , the Federal Bureau of
Pono Press , June 2013 , Page 3 possibly begun to know how to go about arranging all that we encountered on our own . TPP is to be commended for their unwavering commitment to our Tea Party principles and core values , all of the TPP staff with whom we met were quality individuals who have dedicated themselves to our movement to restore our country to its rightful place as leader of the free world with liberty and justice for all . My compliments to Jenny Beth Martin and her entire staff who went above and beyond to make our time in The Capitol as meaningful and productive as possible .
Investigation is opening up a criminal investigation of the whole matter . At least one Washington supervisor was blamed for lax oversight of the Cincinnati office in an inspector general ' s investigation . More than one commentator has pointed out that not since Watergate have the actions of the IRS seemed to be used for such blatant political purposes . Doyle told the newspaper that he hopes a full open hearing on the IRS targeting will be conducted in Congress . As of Wednesday , at least three congressional committees are promising just such hearings . It is very important for the American public to know just who was responsible for turning the IRS into a political attack dog .
* Editorials reflect the opinion of the publisher .