First step
You need a 1:100 scale map of the house – each centimetre
on the map must correspond to 100 centimetres (1 metre)
in reality. There is no need for a technical map drawn up by
an engineer. A little accuracy will be enough: a 6-centimetre
line for a 6-metre wall, a 4.5-centimetre line for a 4.5-metre
wall, and so on. A pencil, a ruler… and a little patience.
is easy
to install
Second step
Take the acetate sheet with a yellow-coloured halo on it out of
the device box (the “sticker”) which is a scale representation
of the Polopposto range: it is an ellipse measuring cm 14
(corresponding to 14 metres of wall of which 7 to the right +
7 metres to the left) per cm 10 (corresponding to 10 metres
of wall of which 5 metres to the front + 5 metres to the back
of the device).
Third step
Place the cardboard in different locations of the house
map (1:100 scale), keeping in mind that the central hole
represents the location on the wall where the device will
be placed. After some trials you will easily figure out what
the best location is - the one ensuring best coverage of the
areas affected by rising damp.
Fourth step
Now install the device using the dowels provided in the box
to be inserted in the holes provided.
Sequence of DIY installation steps without using the software: