Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 58

Mixed race Middle School males are more likely to formulate a suicide plan than females . Among other races / ethnici more likely to formulate a suicide plan .
Percentage of Students who Ever Made a Plan About How They Would Kill Themselves , by Ethnicity
25.0 %
20.0 % 19.0 %
19.5 %
15.0 % 12.6 %
14.6 % 14.5 % 12.8 %
16.4 % 16.7 %
16.0 %
10.0 %
5.0 %
0.0 % Asian Black Hispanic / Latino White Multiple races
Total Male Female
SOURCE : http :// www . floridahealth . gov / statistics-and-data / survey-data / 2019MiddleSchoolSummaryTables . pdf