Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 56

Middle School students of a mixed race are substantially more at risk of suicidal ideation ( as well as attempting suicide Percentage of Students Who Ever Seriously Thought About Killing Themselves , by Ethnicity
40.0 %
35.0 %
35.0 %
30.0 %
29.8 % 29.5 % 29.7 %
25.0 % 23.2 % 23.3 %
22.1 %
25.1 %
20.0 %
19.7 %
15.0 %
10.0 %
5.0 %
0.0 % Asian Black Hispanic / Latino White Multiple races
Total Male Female
SOURCE : http :// www . floridahealth . gov / statistics-and-data / survey-data / 2019MiddleSchoolSummaryTables . pdf