Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 37

Ability to Receive Needed Care Most people ( 88.9 % of adults ) did not need to go without any required mental health care ; however , one in nine ( 11.1 % not get it . 3 In most cases , it is likely that they did not get care because they believed that there was a low need or that help .
Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed mental health care but did not get the care you needed ?
No Yes
Measure No Y Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed mental health care but did not get the care you needed ?
88.9 % 11
Source : Polk County Community Survey , as shown in the Polk County Community Health Assessment . Available at http :// polk . floridahealth . gov / programs-and-service and-statistics /_ documents / Polk _ CHA2020 . pdf
Research by the National Institute of Health showed that among people requiring mental health care who choose not to receive the problem on one ' s own ” was the most common reason for not seeking treatment ( 72.6 %). Other reasons for not seeking treatm severity . “ Low perceived need ” ( e . g ., “ I no longer needed help ”) was a more common reason for not seeking treatment among in ( 57.0 %) than moderate ( 39.3 %) or severe ( 25.9 %) disorders , whereas “ Structural ” barriers ( e . g ., lack of financial means , available or transportation or the presence of other inconveniences ) and “ Attitudinal / evaluative ” barriers ( e . g ., the presence of stigma , low treatments ) were more common among respondents with more severe conditions . Source : NIH . Available at https :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pmc / articles / PMC3128692 /