Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 33

Social Issues Related to Behavioral Health Even though the large majority of Polk County adults say that they are socially content ( e . g ., they are happy with their relationships ( 90.7 %); they have enough people they can ask for help at any time ( 82.9 %), etc ., a notable percentage of 18.5 %) do not agree with those indicator statements .
120.0 %
100.0 %
80.0 %
Socialization Issues
2.6 %
4.2 %
4.7 %
6.7 %
12.9 %
13.8 %
60.0 %
40.0 %
90.7 % 82.9 % 81.5 %
20.0 %
0.0 %
I am happy with my friendships and relationships
I have enough people I can ask for help at any time
My relationships are as satisfying a want them to be
Agree Disagree Not sure
I am happy with my friendships and relationships
90.7 %
6.7 %
I have enough people I can ask for help at any time
82.9 %
12.9 %
My relationships are as satisfying as I would want them to be
81.5 %
13.8 %
Source : BRFSS , 2016 . Available as shown in the Polk County 2019 Community Needs Assessment ; Data USA . Available at https :// datausa . io / profil