Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 251

C . Appendix C : NAMI 9 Ways to Fight Mental Health Stigma
Most people who live with mental illness have , at some point , been blamed for their condition . They ’ ve been called names . Their symptoms have been referred to as “ a phase ” or something they can control “ if they only tried .” They have been illegally discriminated against , with no justice . This is the unwieldy power that stigma holds . 44
Stigma causes people to feel ashamed for something that is out of their control . Worst of all , stigma prevents people from seeking the help they need . For a group of people who already carry such a heavy burden , stigma is an unacceptable addition to their pain . And while stigma has reduced in recent years , the pace of progress has not been quick enough .
All of us in the mental health community need to raise our voices against stigma . Every day , in every possible way , we need to stand up to stigma . If you ’ re not sure how , here are nine ways our Facebook community responded to the question : “ How do you fight stigma ?”
Talk Openly About Mental Health
“ I fight stigma by talking about what it is like to have bipolar disorder and PTSD on Facebook . Even if this helps just one person , it is worth it for me .” – Mental health services consumer
Educate Yourself And Others
“ I take every opportunity to educate people and share my personal story and struggles with mental illness . It doesn ' t matter where I am , if I over-hear a conversation or a rude remark being made about mental illness , or anything regarding a similar subject , I always try to use that as a learning opportunity and gently intervene and kindly express how this makes me feel , and how we need to stop this because it only adds to the stigma .” – Mental health services consumer
Be Conscious Of Language
“ I fight stigma by reminding people that their language matters . It is so easy to refrain from using mental health conditions as adjectives and in my experience , most people are willing to replace their usage of it with something else if I explain why their language is problematic .” – Mental health services consumer
Encourage Equality Between Physical And Mental Illness
“ I find that when people understand the true facts of what a mental illness is , being a disease , they think twice about making comments . I also remind them that they wouldn ' t make fun of someone with diabetes , heart disease or cancer .” – Mental health services consumer
Show Compassion For Those With Mental Illness
“ I offer free hugs to people living outdoors , and sit right there and talk with them about their lives . I do this in public , and model compassion for others . Since so many of our homeless population are also struggling with mental illness , the simple act of showing affection can make their day but also remind passersby of something so easily forgotten : the humanity of those who are suffering .” – Mental health services consumer
National Association for Mental Illness ( NAMI ). Available at https :// www . nami . org / blogs / nami-blog / october-2017 / 9- ways-to-fight-mental-health-stigma