Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 223

B .
Appendix B : Stage 2 Strategic Objectives Details
Qualitative Discussions Needs Summary Structure of the Following Section
Each of Themes / Strategic Objectives are identified below with a short explanation . Action Areas include an overview of the subject , de-identified interview observations in quotations which are representative of respondents ’ consensus perspectives 11 and examples of potential interventions . Note that examples of potential interventions are only select suggestions based on Stage 2 research and do not encompass a full set of possible initiatives ; they are only examples offered by research participants designed to help inspire further review and discussion in Stage 3 activities .
The qualitative individual interviews combined with the group discussions resulted in a consensus of several top areas of need that can be described as Themes / Strategic Objectives . The Themes / Strategic Objectives and more granular Action Areas identified by qualitative research include :
• Building capacity and increasing access to care o
Capacity and availability Awareness of services and community education Transportation and other logistics Motivation and process of care Improve system efficiency Insurance and financial concerns
Both interviews and focus groups occurred in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic . Nearly every person compared and contrasted their experiences both before and during the pandemic ; not surprisingly , what they experienced prior to March 2020 had no semblance to the then-current situation . Most if not all indicated a feeling of uncertainty of life and available healthcare services once the pandemic ended , although they all answered the questions as best as they could in the moment .