Polk County Behavioral Health Study | Page 159

Survey respondents agree that there is a significant barrier to care to entering the behavioral healthcare system . Leading up to and making that “ first call ” ( i . e ., finding a provider and knowing whom to call ) is considered to be the most challenging aspect of initial care . Once a provider is contacted , activities around having the initial appointment – wait times for appointments , the intake process , and actually making an appointment – can be challenging , but less so that earlier required steps .
For someone needing first time help for mental health or drug or alcohol needs , how easy are the following to do ?
Activity Hard Very hard Total Finding a doctor or therapist 57 % 30 % 86 % Knowing where or who to call first 56 % 30 % 85 %
Receiving integrated care ( drug or alcohol addiction services , mental
51 %
32 %
84 %
health , physical or medical care )
Receiving care coordination services ( for example , scheduling care
51 %
29 %
80 %
among different doctors or therapists )
Waiting for a first appointment
45 %
33 %
78 %
Waiting to see a doctor or therapist for follow-up appointments 49 % 18 % 67 % Going through the intake process 49 % 17 % 66 % Making an appointment 46 % 15 % 60 %
• About six of seven respondents ( about 86 %) indicate that finding a provider and knowing whom to call is a “ hard ” or “ very hard ” task for people first entering the behavioral health system .
• Relatively more easily accomplished tasks such as making an appointment are considered hard to very hard by 60 % or respondents . Research comments suggest for people struggling with behavioral health issues , these less-challenging tasks can still be very difficult .
• Overall , the survey notes that about half of respondents ( 47 %) indicate that there is no easily accessible resource available to people seeking behavioral health and SUD services for the first time .